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How to Find Out Your Annuity Fund

We are living for longer today than ever before. At the same time, the cost of living is ever rising. Changing social and economic factors mean that planning your finances during retirement has become more important than ever before. After all, retirement is known as the golden period, when one should be able to enjoy the fruits of life’s labour. It is therefore vital to plan carefully and optimise your financial assets to provide for you when you stop working. Things like annuity value prove to be immensely significant during retirement, as an annuity is one of the most important, and often the only source of income for pensioners.

An annuity provides a regular and steady income in exchange for a lump sum. People usually invest their pension savings into an annuity scheme, which then pays out an income either for as long as you live, or for a pre-agreed period of time. How much income an annuity can offer you, or annuity value, depends on the size of your Annuity Fund, which is the amount invested in the annuity, as well as various other factors.

The most important factors that determines annuity value is the type of annuity you choose to invest in and the current annuity rates. Other factors include age, gender, and location. Depending on your health and lifestyle, you could also be eligible for an enhanced annuity, which has a higher annuity value based on the shorter than average life expectancy of the applicant.

Often an annuity is the only source of income during retirement, and so choosing the right annuity with sufficient annuity value is extremely important. Once you buy an annuity it cannot be changed or cancelled – so it is important to make the correct decision the first time around. An annuity offers a chance to make the most of your life savings, but choosing an annuity that underperforms or does not suit your needs could mean losing your life savings to an ineffective investment.

It is imperative to shop around and use the open market option to find the most suitable annuity with a sufficient annuity value. You can consult an independent financial advisor with expertise in the retirement sector to understand the implications of investing in different types of annuities and choosing the best option. You can also use online tools like annuity calculators etc. to find out the best annuity value you could get in exchange for your annuity fund.

Annuity Rules Are The Biggest Misconception

An annuity is an important tool in the retirement sector, which allows you to draw your pension fund as regular income during retirement. Investing your hard earned life savings into an annuity is a very important decision indeed, and it is vital to shop around not only for the most suitable annuity type, but also for the most suitable annuity provider for you.

The biggest misconception when it comes to annuities is that one is required to set up an annuity with their pension provider. The truth is that thanks to the open market option, there is absolutely no need to be limited to your pension provider for an annuity. In fact, the Government is trying to encourage people to use the open market option and shop around for the best annuity deal before investing.

Annuity rates can vary very widely between providers. Also, the variety of annuity products available means that different annuities will have different rates even from a single provider. So a company that offers the best rates with one type of annuity may not necessarily do so with a different type of annuity.

The first step towards finding the right annuity, therefore, is to understand your own needs and find out what type of annuity works best for you. For instance, would you need a single life annuity, or a joint annuity? Would you rather have a guaranteed income for life, or invest in a higher risk investment linked annuity? Would you need a fixed annuity with fixed payments for life, or an escalating annuity? These are some of the questions that need to be answered before you can shop around for the best annuity quote.

Your pension provider is bound to offer a quote, and there is no reason why you should not consider this quote, as there is every possibility that it will not only be competitive but may even be better than the open market options. The point is not to limit your options, but to shop around and make an informed choice about this important step in life.

The Financial Services Authority has worked hard to ensure that pensioners have the right to exercise an open market option and shop around for annuity quotes. The FSA continues to encourage people to use this option and has also made it mandatory for your pension provider to remind you of this option while offering a quote. That you must purchase an annuity from your pension provider is a myth, but thankfully, one that is continuing to diminish rapidly.

Why Look For Annuity Quotes Online?

Planning for your retirement is probably one of the most involving tasks. However, there are several, simple options that can save you a lot of money and time, while helping you to secure a future income. One such option are annuities. Like any other product, it is advisable to shop around for the best deals before making a purchase.

Shopping around for the best annuity deal has been made easier with the advent of the internet. Therefore, the better annuity providers have decided to make the search easier and cheaper by giving out annuity quotes online. Therefore, you can compare different quotes and pick the one that best suits you.

If you are an investment novice, you will find online annuity providers especially helpful. This is because you will get adequate information about annuities to help you make an informed choice. Online resources will explain the different types of annuities, and who is best suited to take a particular annuity. With this information and annuity quotes, you can choose the plan that best suits your current financial situation while guaranteeing your desirable future income.

Online annuity providers also give you tips on how to reduce your expenses. For example, they know when you can be tax exempt, and when you can receive higher annuity income, and can therefore advice on the appropriate plan for your lifestyle. For example, if you suffer from a terminal disease or life threatening condition such as diabetes, you are better off with an impaired pension plan.

The best thing about shopping for the best annuity quotes online is that it is convenient and affordable. Can you imagine what it would be like travelling to different places looking for quotes from the best companies? Well, these days, all you need is to use the numerous sites equipped with an annuity calculator.

When using an online annuity calculator tool, it is advisable to give all the necessary details so as to get the best quote. This is especially helpful because you can get a good quote without revealing your identity. Online annuity calculator allows you to shop for the best rate anonymously, which saves you tones of spam mails. Additionally, you get to check out different sites and get a rough average of the quote an annuity provider is likely to offer you based on your personal information.

Regardless of your reasons for choosing annuities as your retirement investment option, you will realize that shopping online is extremely convenient.

Call 0800 678 5139 to request your annuity quotes today.